
Transition NORFACE Coordination Office


In 2021, the NORFACE Coordination Office will transition from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to the French National Research Agency (ANR). This may affect your interaction with NORFACE in some ways.

Although the coordination efforts for the NORFACE network will move to ANR, for the purpose of continuity the coordination of the different NORFACE research programmes will still be executed at NWO. Additionally, the coordination of the CHANSE call is done by NCN.

If you have any questions about current developments, future endeavours, and administration, you can reach out to the NORFACE Coordination Office.

If you require support regarding reporting, communication efforts, extensions, etc., you can reach out to the Programme Coordinators.

Please take note of the following changes.

NORFACE Coordination Office
The new contact information for the NORFACE Coordination Office is norface@anr.fr .

Programme Coordinators
For the different NORFACE programmes, contact information is different. The running NORFACE programmes will remain under coordination of NWO, see below:

  • Dynamics of Inequalities of the Life-course: structures and processes (DIAL)
    Contact information: DIAL@nwo.nl
  • Transformations to Sustainability (T2S)
    Contact information: T2S@nwo.nl
  • Democratic governance in a turbulent age (Governance)
    Contact information: governance@nwo.nl

The NORFACE-HERA Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe (CHANSE) call is coordinated by the National Science Centre Poland.
Contact information: