
The Future of the Slovenian Welfare State


Within the WelfSOC project Our Chidren’s Europe a national conference the ‘Future of the Slovenian welfare state’ was organised on 24th of May 2017 on the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

The goal of the conference was to disseminate key findings from the project on people’s attitudes toward the welfare state futures and stimulate a discussion on the main concerns of social policy such as inequality and poverty, challenges on the labour market and intergenerational solidarity in Slovenia.

The Conference started with an opening speech of the Slovenian Minister of labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities Anja Kopač Mrak and the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Rado Bohinc. After main project findings were presented by project leader Maša Filipovič Hrast, the discussion continued on round tables on inequalities and poverty, intergenerational policies and labour market issues, where several known experts participated as well as representatives from civil society organisations and high government officials from relevant ministers such as the Ministry of labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities and Ministry of Health. The conference was attended by academics, policy makers and general public.