
Phillimore, Jenny, Hannah Bradby, Lucy Doos, Michi Knecht, Beatriz Padilla and Silja Samerski (2019) “Health Providers as Bricoleurs: An Examination of the Adaption of Health Ecosystems to Superdiversity in Europe” Journal of European Social Policy 29 (3), 361-375.

Phillimore, Jenny, Hannah Bradby, Michi Knecht, Beatriz Padilla and Simon Pemberton (2019) “Bricolage as conceptual tool for understanding access to healthcare in superdiverse populations” Social Theory & Health 17 (2), 231-525.

Pemberton, Simon, Jenny Phillimore, Hannah Bradby, Beatriz Padilla, Jessica Lopes, Silja Samerski and Rachel Humphris (2019) “Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods” Health and Place 55, 128-135.

Wessendorf, Susanne and Jenny Phillimore (2019) “New Migrants’ Social Integration, Embedding and Emplacement in Superdiverse Contexts. Sociology 53 (1), 123-128.

Bradby, Hannah, Rachel Humphris and Beatriz Padilla (2018) “Universalism, diversity and norms: gratitude, healthcare and welfare chauvinism” Critical Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2018.1522420.

Hamed, Sarah, Sonja Klingberg, Amina Jama Mahmud and Hannah Bradby (2018) “Researching health in diverse neighbourhoods: critical reflection on the use of a community research model in Uppsala, Sweden” BMC Research Notes 11 (612), DOI: 10.1186/s13104-018-3717-7.

Padilla, Beatriz, Vera Rodrigues, Jéssica Lopes and Alejandra Ortiz (2018), “Saúde dos Imigrantes: desigualdades e crise no SNS” In: Renato Miguel do Carmo, João Sebastião, Joana Azevedo, Susana da Cruz Martins and António Firmino da Costa (eds.) Desigualdades Sociais: Portugal e a Europa, Lisboa: Editora Mundos Sociais, 315-334.

Bradby, Hannah, Gill Green, Charlie Davison and Kristine Krause (2017) Is Superdiversity a Useful Concept in European Medical Sociology? Frontiers in Sociology, DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2016.00017.

Grzymala-Kazlowska,  Phillimore (2017) “Introduction: Rethinking Integration. New Perspectives on Adaption and Settlement in the Era of Superdiversity” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (2), 179-196.

McCabe, Angus and Jenny Phillimore, eds (2017) Community Groups in Context: Local Activities and Actions. Bristol: Policy Press.

Phillimore, Jenny, Rachel Humphris and Kamran Khan (2017) “Reciprocity for New Migrant Integration: Resource Conservation, Investment and Exchange” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (2), 215-232.

Phillimore, Jenny, Nando Sigona and Katherine Tonkiss (2017) “Introduction: Superdiversity, Policy and Governance in Europe” Policy and Politics 45 (4), 487-491.

Rodrigues, Vera and Beatriz Padilla (2017) “Doing community research with the community? : reflecting on practical issues” La Critica Sociologica 203 (3), 59-74.

Cheung, Sin Yi and Jenny Phillimore (2016) “Gender and Refugee Integration: A Quantitative Analysis of Integration and Social Policy Outcomes” Journal of Social Policy, 46 (2) 211-230.

Lindenmeyer, Antje Sabi Redwood, Laura Griffith, Shazia Ahmed and Jenny Phillimore (2016) “Recent Migrants’ Perspectives on Antibiotic Use and Prescribing in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study” British Journal of General Practice 66 (652), e802-e809.

Padilla, Beatriz, Alejandra Ortiz, and Vera Rodrigues (2016) “Estado de bienestar bajo ataque: Consecuencias esperadas y disimuladas de la Troika.” Arxius 35 (Desembre), 49-60.

Pemberton, Simon and Phillimore (2016) “Migrant Place-making in Superdiverse Neighbourhoods: Moving Beyond Ethno-national Boundaries” Urban Studies 55 (4), 733-750.

Bradby, Hannah, Rachel Humphris, Dave Newall and Jenny Phillimore (2015) “Public health aspects of migrant health: a review of the evidence on health status for refugees and asylum seekers in the European Region” Health Evidence Network Synthesis Report 44, Venice: WHO.

Padilla, Beatriz, Joana Azevedo and Antonia Olmos-Alcaraz (2015) “Superdiversity and Conviviality: Exploring Frameworks for Doing Ethnography in Southern European Intercultural Cities” Ethic and Racial Studies 38 (4), 621-635.

Phillimore, Jenny (2015) “Delivering Maternity Services in an Era of Superdiversity: the Challenges of Novelty and Newness” Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38 (4), 568-582.

Phillimore, Jenny, Hannah Bradby, Michi Knecht, Beatriz Padilla, Tilman Brand, Sin Yi Cheung, Simon Pemberton and Hajo Zeeb (2015) “Understanding Healthcare Practices in Superdiverse Neighbourhoods” BMC International Health and Human Rights 15 (16).

Zeeb, Hajo, Nataliya Makarova, Tilman Brand and Michi Knecht (2015) “Superdiversity – a New Concept for Migrant Health?” Public Health Forum 23 (2), 124-126.