
DAISIE: Dynamics of Accumulated Inequalities for Seniors in Employment

About the project

The DAISIE project explores the gendered impacts of policies and practices aimed at extending working life in five national settings – the Czech Republic, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – using a mixed methods research design inspired by insights from life-course and gender studies. The project addresses two main issues: the employment aspirations and practices of older workers and the impact of these on their health, well-being and family care configurations. The DAISIE project focuses on interdependencies between different life stages (the influence of gendered employment histories on the current employment aspirations and working patterns of the 50+), between different areas of life (particularly the work-family interface), and between generations (the influence of the employment patterns of the so-called “sandwich generation” on the labour market participation patterns of their adult children, notably through care provision to grandchildren).


The team has produced a series of Country Reports which summarize the available data on extending working life policies and practices in each of the partner countries, along with an OECD and EU Policy Report. These reports are available as open access Working Papers on the DIAL website. Papers based on preliminary results from the DAISIE project have been presented at the DIAL Thematic Workshop (November 2018) and at the DIAL Mid-term Conference (June 2019). The goal of the team is to produce solid research-based knowledge that can feed into public debate and decision-making processes. To this end, the team is holding consultation events with a wide variety of stakeholders involved in extending working life issues in different countries, in order to ensure that the data and analytical frameworks are relevant to their concerns.


Project links

Research team

Prof. N. Le Feuvre
University of Lausanne

Prof. W. Loretto
University of Edinburgh

Prof. S.A. Vickerstaff
University of Kent

Dr. Alena Krizkova
Czech Academy of Sciences

Prof. C. Krekula
University of Karlstad

Dr A. Ni Léime
National University of Ireland, Galway