The NORFACE partners are pleased to announce that Professor Sophie Lecheler has been appointed as Scientific Programme Coordinator for the research programme Democratic governance in a turbulent age. As Scientific Programme Coordinator she will work for the duration of the … Lees meer
Grants Governance programme within NORFACE Fourteen transnational and multi-disciplinary social science research consortia have received funding from the European NORFACE network within the research programme ‘Democratic governance in a turbulent age’. Over the next few years they will focus, on … Lees meer
The NORFACE Network is pleased to announce that the Outline Proposal stage of the NORFACE programme Democratic governance in a turbulent age has finished. The Main Applicants who submitted an Outline Proposal have been informed of the result regarding their … Lees meer
The NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) Network is pleased to launch its sixth joint transnational research programme with the topic Democratic governance in a turbulent age. Researchers from the social sciences are invited to apply … Lees meer
Democratic politics and governance in Europe are facing turbulent times. Party systems have crumbled or been substantially changed and so have citizen attachments to government, political parties and democratic procedures. This sixth NORFACE transnational programme on Democratic governance in a … Lees meer
NORFACE announces a new transnational research programme on democratic governance. The main focus of this research programme will be on understanding the precise nature of the recent turbulence in democratic politics and governance in Europe, how European states can negotiate … Lees meer