This project has received funding from the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme for research and technological development under grant agreement No 235548
Migration is an important topic on the European agenda due to the large-scale flows of asylum seekers. At the same time, migration has been part of Europe’s history, evidenced by Europe’s substantial share of immigrant (first and second generation) populations. The NORFACE transnational research programme on “Migration in Europe: Social, economic, cultural and policy dimensions” focused on high-quality research on migration in order to facilitate the development of coherent migration policies.
“Migration in Europe: Social, economic, cultural and policy dimensions” was the second major transnational research programme of NORFACE. The European Commission provided top-up funding to this joint research programme.
The Migration programme (2009-2014) had four major objectives:
- To advance globally excellent theoretical and methodological disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and comparative research on migration which builds synergistically on a pan-European basis;
- To take advantage of and develop the present informal laboratory of experience, knowledge and data which migration in Europe currently presents;
- To motivate and support excellence and capacity building for research on migration on across-national basis throughout the NORFACE countries;
- To develop understanding and promote research-based knowledge and insight into migration for issues of societal, practical and policy relevance, with theoretical foundations but worked on jointly with relevant users and experts.
After a joint Call with a two-stage assessment procedure of 240 Outline Proposals and 45 Full Proposals, 12 research projects were funded. The projects provided largescale, comparative, multi-disciplinary and multi-level research, offering valuable insights on migration in Europe – at the national, European and international level.