
Prestigious NWO Visitors Grant for Prof. John Fluke to join project HESTIA


The Dutch team of project HESTIA has secured a Visitor’s Travel Grant for Prof. John Fluke of the University of Colorado to join the research project HESTIA at the the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of University of Groningen. In the Netherlands, the country team is coordinated by Prof. Hans Grietens and Dr. Mónica López López. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) grants visitor’s travel grants for the visit of foreign researchers who make an important contribution to an ongoing Dutch research project in order to facilitate the cooperation between Dutch and foreign researchers.

The HESTIA project aims to discover the nature and impact of variations in child protection systems through a comparison of three quite different welfare states: England, Germany, and the Netherlands. Through this comparative analysis, the HESTIA project will generate new insights into child protection policy and practice and so have a significant impact on future developments in child welfare in Europe.

More information on project HESTIA

Prof. John Fluke will contribute to the teaching at the international master track Youth Society and Policy, give a presentation at the International Seminar Series on Childhood, and provide mentoring sessions to PhD students at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the University of Groningen.

Prof. John Fluke is Associate Director of System Research and Evaluation at the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect and Associate Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He has over 32 years of experience in social service delivery system research in the area of Child Welfare and Mental Health Services for children. He is internationally recognized as a researcher specializing in assessing, analyzing, and teaching on decision making in human services delivery systems. He is also active in the area of national child maltreatment data collection systems and analysis and has worked with data collection programs in the Balkans, Canada, Saudi Arabia, the US, and for UNICEF.

More information on Prof. John Fluke