
The Irish Research Council (“the Council”) was established by Minister Sean Sherlock T.D. in March 2012. The Council was formed through the merger of the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) and the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) and the Council is a sub-board of the HEA. Building on solid foundations laid down by the former councils, the Irish Research Council will deliver enhanced opportunities and benefits to the Irish research community. The Irish Research Council will enable the Irish research community to contribute to the body of global knowledge across the diversity of disciplines, recognising the importance of research and scholarship for all aspects of cultural, economic and societal development.

Contact: Rosemary Sweeney
Email: rsweeney@research.ie

Network Board Member: Pr Linda Connolly
Email: linda.connolly@mu.ie

Website: www.research.ie

3 Shelbourne Buildings, Crampton Ave, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland