Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) funds independent research within and across all main fields of science. Moreover, DFF provides advice in all scientific areas for the Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, the Danish Parliament and the Government.
DFF is comprised of a Board of Directors and five research Councils. The Council within Social Sciences (DFF | Social Sciences) covers main disciplines such as economics, sociology, political science and legal theory, as well as the societal aspects of various interdisciplinary subjects. The Councils primary objective is to promote and support social science research of international quality through funding of researcher-initiated projects. The Council’s 12 members are acknowledged researchers appointed by the Minister for Higher Education and Science in their own personal capacity.
Management Team Member: Mette Catarina Skaarup
Network Board Member: Pr. Bjørn Thomassen
Asylgade 7, 5000 Odense C, Denmark