
News from the Scientific Programme Coordinator WSF


Preparation has started for the final conference, May 24-25th 2018, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

The five calls for participants – that follow our five research clusters – will go out shortly.

Meet the Programme Committee:

Claus Wendt, Chair (HiNEWS)
Karen M. Anderson (HEALTHDOX)
Juliette Malley (EXCELC)

Marcel Luebbers, Co-Chair (MIFARE)
Helga de Valk, Co-Chair (MobileWelfare)
Jenny Phillimore (UPWEB)

Welfare State Attitudes
Peter Taylor-Gooby, Chair (WelfSOC)
Cornelius Cappelen (FPRWS)
Stein Kuhnle (FPRWS)

Child & Family Welfare
Lennart Nygren, Chair (FACSK)
Hans Grietens (HESTIA)
Sue White (FACSK)

Globalization, Welfare States & Inequalities
Eva Mörk, Chair (4Is)
Alexander Cappelen (FPRWS)
Catia Montagna (GlobLabWS)