New Publication from DEEPEN: Weg met fossiel! [Get rid of fossil fuels!] copy08/04/24
Van der Zwan., Van der Heide., & Golka, P. (DEEPEN) published a research article “Weg met fossiel! [Get rid of fossil fuels!]” in the S&D – Congratulations! You can find the publication here.
New Publication from DEEPEN: Weg met fossiel! [Get rid of fossil fuels!]08/04/24
Van der Zwan., Van der Heide., & Golka, P. (DEEPEN) published a research article “Weg met fossiel! [Get rid of fossil fuels!]” in the S&D – Congratulations! You can find the publication here.
New Publication from INDIGO: The Argumentation Scheme from Vicarious Liability21/12/23
Liga, D. (INDIGO) published a research article “The Argumentation Scheme from Vicarious Liability” in the Springer – Congratulations!
New Publication from TECHNO: Automation versus openness: Support for policies to address job threats19/10/23
Kuo, A., Manzano, D., & Gallego, A. (TECHNO) published a research article “Automation versus openness: Support for policies to address job threats” in the Journal of Public Policy – Congratulations! You can find an article here.
New Publication from DATADRIVEN: The Online Battlefield: How Conflict Frames in Political Advertisements Affect Political Participation in a Multiparty Context15/09/23
van der Goot, E., Kruikemeier, S., Vliegenthart, R., & de Ridder, J. (DATADRIVEN) published a research article “The Online Battlefield: How Conflict Frames in Political Advertisements Affect Political Participation in a Multiparty Context” in the Political Studies – Congratulations! You can find
New Publication from ExId: Where do “mixed, unclear, and unstable” ideologies come from? A data-driven answer centred on the incelosphere08/08/23
Brace, L., Baele, S., & Ging, D. (ExId) published a research article “Where do “mixed, unclear, and unstable” ideologies come from? A data-driven answer centred on the incelosphere” in the Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism – Congratulations! You can find an article here.
New Publication from UNDPOLAR: Finding (Dis-) Advantaged System Justifiers – A bottom-up approach to explore system justification theory13/07/23
Kesberg, R., Brandt, M.J., Easterbrook, M.J., Spruyt, B. & Turner-Zwinkels, F. (UNDPOLAR) published a research article “Finding (Dis-) Advantaged System Justifiers – A bottom-up approach to explore system justification theory” in the European Journal of Social Sociology – Congratulations!
New Publication from EUINACTION: Constraining the European Commission to Please the Public: Responsiveness through Delegation Choices07/06/23
Ershova, A., Yordanova, N., & Khokhlova, A. (EUINACTION) published a research article “Constraining the European Commission to Please the Public: Responsiveness through Delegation Choices” in the Journal of European Public Policy – Congratulations! You can find an article here.
New Publication from POPBACK: Theorising And Mapping Media Ownership Networks in Authoritarian-Populist Contexts: A comparative analysis of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey19/04/23
Schnyder, G., Radl, M., Toth, F., Kucukuzun, M., Turnšek, T., Çelik, B., & Pajnik, M. (POPBACK) published a research article “Theorising And Mapping Media Ownership Networks in Authoritarian-Populist Contexts: A comparative analysis of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, and Turkey” in the Media, Cultur
New Publication from ExId: Lethal Words: An Integrated Model of Violent Extremists’ Language15/03/23
Baele, S. J., Boyd, K., Coan, T. G., & Naserian, E. (ExId) published a research article “Lethal Words: An Integrated Model of Violent Extremists’ Language” in the Studies in Conflict & Terrorism – Congratulations! You can find an article here.
New Publication from POPBACK: Populists in Power—the Impact on Interest Representation and Firm-level Nonmarket Strategies07/02/23
Sallai, D. (POPBACK) published a book chapter “Populists in Power—the Impact on Interest Representation and Firm-level Nonmarket Strategies” in the M. Feldmann & G. Morgan (Eds.), Business and Populism: The Odd Couple? – Congratulations! You can find a book chapter here.
New Publication from POPBACK: Is Ukraine on the Path of Shock Therapy?25/01/23
Schnyder, G., & Deakin, S. (POPBACK) published an article “Is Ukraine on the Path of Shock Therapy?” in the Byline Times – Congratulations! You can find an article here.