New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe (NORFACE) is a partnership of national research funding agencies in Europe dedicated to leading and developing opportunities for scientists in the area of social and behavioural sciences. NORFACE plays an important part in responding to the grand societal challenges by promoting research of the highest quality, sharing best practices among research funders and especially by making international collaboration between social scientists in Europe possible. From challenges brought on by migration and inequality to preparing for the impact of an aging society, researchers in the social sciences in Europe are looking at the behaviour of individuals and groups, and the dynamics of institutions and societies within Europe to understand and address these societal challenges.
1st phase results, call “Enhancing Well-Being for the Future”18/01/24
PARIS – January 16, 2024. NORFACE are pleased to announce that the the Outline Proposals for the call Enhancing well-being for the future have now been selected. Selected proposals are now invited to prepare and submit a full application. More information on CHANSE website.
New call announced : “Enhancing well-being for the future” – closing date 21 September 202330/05/23
NORFACE are pleased to announce a call for international social science research projects on: Enhancing well-being for the future. The call is launched with the assistance of CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe. All call documents can be found on the CHANSE website. Web
NEW CALL FOR PROPOSALS “Enhancing well-being for the future” – Pre-announcement 26 April 202328/04/23
NORFACE are pleased to pre-announce a call for international social science research projects on: Enhancing well-being for the future. The call is launched with the assistance of CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe. Countries participating in the call: Aus
26 projects awarded funding in the CHANSE Call on Transformations: Social and Cultural Dynamics in The Digital Age31/05/22
The transformation of social relations resulting from the digitalisation of homes, the communication of knowledge about health in the 20th and 21st centuries and challenges for work safety in times of digital transformation will be addressed by researchers awarded in the CHANSE Call. CHANSE (Collabo
21-22 October 2021: Final conference ‘Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-Course’ (DIAL)25/06/21
The NORFACE transnational research programme ‘Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course: structures and processes’ (DIAL) will hold a final conference on 21st and 22nd of October 2021, in Brussels. DIAL started in 2017, with thirteen interdisciplinary and international research projects focusing
Transition NORFACE Coordination Office15/06/21
In 2021, the NORFACE Coordination Office will transition from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to the French National Research Agency (ANR). This may affect your interaction with NORFACE in some ways. Although the coordination efforts for the NORFACE network will move to ANR, for the purpose of cont
Enhancing well-being for the future
Democratic governance in a turbulent age
Democratic politics and governance in Europe are facing turbulent times. Party systems have crumbled or been substantially changed and so have citizen attachments to government, political parties and democratic procedures. This sixth NORFACE transnational programme on Democratic governance in a turb
Transformations to Sustainability
Climate change, environmental degradation and resource pressures have created unprecedented situations for societies worldwide. Consequently, there is growing attention to the need for fundamental transformations in the way societies interact with each other and with the natural environment as the b
Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course: structures and processes (DIAL)
Existing and rising inequalities pose fundamental challenges to European societies and economies. The increasing gap between rich and poor, exacerbated by the recent financial and economic crises, is a key concern. The NORFACE transnational research programme on “Dynamics of Inequality Across the Li
Welfare State Futures
The NORFACE Welfare State Futures research programme (2014-2019) was designed to ask, and answer, fundamental questions about the design, delivery and experience of welfare states in the 21st century from a wide variety of perspectives and disciplines. The programme featured a Europe-wide network of
Migration in Europe – Social, Economic, Cultural and Policy Dynamics
Migration is an important topic on the European agenda due to the large-scale flows of asylum seekers. At the same time, migration has been part of Europe’s history, evidenced by Europe’s substantial share of immigrant (first and second generation) populations. The NORFACE transnational research pro